Frequently Asked Questions.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Would you like to know a little more about the training courses at These are our answers to some of your most frequently asked questions.

Q. Why only face-to-face training?

Despite the fact that providing education and awareness on this notoriously difficult subject is complex, it is also undeniably important. Face-to-face training leads to more effective and nuanced communication.

Q. Who are your course facilitators?

As a unique consultancy firm, we specialise in stopping and preventing sexual misconduct, sexual harassment and sexual assault – all of which are notoriously complex matters. Our team is employed full time and comprises of former sex crimes prosecutors, expert legal advisors, a former headteacher, and a former senior specialist trained police officer.

In addition, our experts are fluent in the law and procedure on Sexual Offences Acts, the Mental Capacity Act and safeguarding issues. Every team member has undertaken Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks. 

Q. Are the training awareness courses offensive?

Our training courses are age-appropriate and accommodate different learning styles in a supportive and interactive learning environment. They can also be adapted for individuals with additional needs.

Our STOP SEXUAL MISCONDUCT Awareness Training sessions contain offensive and explicit language which may offend some participants. No offence is intended to any individual: the content is for educational purposes.

Q.  Can I book a course as an individual?

Unfortunately, no. We work directly with organisations and institutions to run awareness training courses face-to-face for their employees. The participation of a range of staff groups in the training is encouraged. A minimum of six participants is recommended.

Q.  Can we book a one-off workshop for our workplace?

Yes, of course! We understand you might want to initially dip your toe in the water of this complex subject in order to establish whether we’re the right fit for your organisation. There is no minimum package booking, and we would be delighted to run a one-off session for your workforce.

Q.  Can you deliver your awareness training in our offices?

Yes. All of our awareness training is face-to-face, and we are happy to deliver our courses in your business premises. In fact, this may feel more comfortable for our clients. We are able to travel to locations within England and Wales to deliver our sessions.

Q.  Are your awareness training courses open to all levels within our organisation?

Yes. Our half day basic awareness training is relevant to employees at any level. Our full day training course is tailored more specifically for management teams, supervisors, HR, and team leaders.

Q.  What is the process for booking an awareness training course?

We work closely with you to make sure that individual and bespoke programmes will address your needs. We begin with a conversation to hear more about what your objectives are, the schedule that suits you and what will work for your team. From there, we will suggest trainer availability that suits the awareness course that you have chosen. We will then send over an order form for you to complete which will secure your dates and booking. If you want to talk to us about booking a session or creating a training package, you can get in touch with us with this link.    

Q.  How many people can attend an awareness course?

As we do not undertake virtual training due to the nature of what we do, our awareness training courses can cater for as little as 6 participates. The maximum number of participants is 100. We are flexible according to your needs, so please get in touch with us about your requirements.

Q. What are the duration times of the courses?

Many companies chose our bespoke awareness training courses; however, the most popular training courses are our half day BASIC (4-hour) and full day ENHANCED (7-hour) packages. Breaks are built into these courses and are led by specialist, experienced and expert facilitators.

Q.  What languages can you deliver your training in?

We deliver our training in the English language. At the moment, we are not able to deliver our training in any other language.

Q.  Can we record the training that you run for us?

Participants are not to record, or screenshot or take photographs of the course or any part of it. This is due to the sensitive nature of the training that we run and that your responses are anonymous which must be protected. 

All mobile communication devices must be switched to silent (not vibrate) or set to airplane mode for the duration of the course.

Each participant will receive a detailed and user-friendly course pack which includes practical support materials. 

Q.  How much does your training cost?

The cost for our half day basic awareness training course starts from £700, plus VAT for small organisations (up to 16 participants), plus any travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses (if applicable).

The cost for our full day enhanced awareness course starts from £1500, plus VAT for small organisations (up to 16 participants), plus any travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses (if applicable).

Q. Do I receive a certificate after completing your face-to-face awareness training?

Yes. When you complete one of our face-to-face training sessions, you will be able to download and print a compliant completion certificate, and an evidenced-based learning statement to confirm the course content. There is no extra charge for the certificate.  You can also buy a printed certificate to be posted to you for a small extra fee. Our company has been accredited as a CPD provider by the CPD Certification Service who has reviewed and approved our courses, seminars and workshops to ensure that we are able to clearly demonstrate our commitment to stopping sexual misconduct.

Q.  Can I send another person in my place?

A colleague of the same organisation or institution may attend in your place provided that you notify us as early as possible and at least a week before the training date.

Q.  Can I transfer my place onto another course?

Sorry, you are not able to transfer your place onto another course.

Q. What if I need to cancel?

Unless otherwise stated on the training application form:

  • Cancellation up to 2 weeks before the training date costs £50.00.
  • Cancellation within 2 weeks of the training date is charged in full.

We will also charge any costs that we have incurred for the course (for example, booked travel tickets, accommodation, courier costs, trainer preparation)

All cancellation charges also apply to late bookings.

If you need to cancel, please do so in writing and email to: 

Protect your business and employees from sexual harassment within the workplace.

71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ
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