By accessing this page and continuing to access our website, and/or use our services, you agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions (“terms”) set out below. If you do not agree to comply with and be bound by these terms, you must stop using our website immediately.


We use the term “stop sexual misconduct” in the broadest sense to include exaggerated, induced, or fabricated complaints.

The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Antislavery Statement and all agreements:

  • The terms: “us”, “we”, “our”, “ours”, “our team members”, and “our company” refer to Limited. 
  • Any party accessing our website or any of our services are referred to as: “you”, “your”, “yours”, and “the client” as the context requires.
  • The term “parties” refers to the client and Limited.
  • The term “the service” refers to the service that is being provided to the client by Limited.
  • The term “contract” refers to the agreement of the parties for the provision of the service accepted by the client in writing and which shall include these Terms and Conditions.
  • The term “mediator” refers to a neutral advisor or mediator who may be appointed to resolve a dispute.


  • The advice and literature we supply to our audience places a larger emphasis on prevention than on cure. We have also tried our utmost to avoid any legal jargon to make documentation easier to read. 
  • The literature within this website is written with no political bias or preference to race, colour, religion, sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, age, disability, national or ethnic origin, military service status, or other protected characteristic. The opinions expressed within this literature are our own. 
  • The information contained within this website is intended to be a guide and does not cover every circumstance. It is possible that some information is over-simplified or may become inaccurate over time, for example, because of changes to the law.  has made every effort, and taken the utmost care, to ensure and maintain that the accuracy, completeness, and currency of information is correct at the time of publishing.
  • No part of this website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means such as electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or recording, without the consent of the copyright owners.  Application for which should be addressed to:
  • All reasonable care was taken in the preparation of this website. However, any person relying on any of the statements, expressed or implied, within this website, does so entirely at their own risk and without liability on any part of the author. We believe that our commitment to our chosen industry is demonstrated every day through our promise to go above and beyond our legal obligations. Our team offers three guarantees: absolute discretion, the highest possible professional standards, and that we operate in a sustainable manner by helping and advising our clients once instructed. The information on our website clearly states the services that are offered by our company. In considering the services of, have regard to the fact that:
    • Our company is not a support or voluntary organisation or a charity, and we are not campaigners or protestors. 
    • Our company does not endorse and is not in any way connected or affiliated to, any other organisation’s work. If you have any doubts about a third party claiming to be affiliated with, please contact us

Who we are

  • is a trading name of Limited. Its company No is: 14787762 registered in England & Wales. Our registered address is: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ.
  • Our VAT No. is: 440 9157 01
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance:  We maintain professional indemnity insurance in accordance with our statutory requirements. Details of the insurers and territorial coverage are available for inspection at our registered office or upon written request.
  • Our Data Protection Information Commissioner’s Office reference number is: ZB534075
  • The CPD Certification Service (Continuing Professional Development). Our Membership number is 17753 which can be confirmed by visiting
  • Our services are not exclusive. We are, and remain, at liberty to provide our services to any third parties, and we reserve the right to refuse to provide any of our services at any time even if we have previously provided services to a client.

Who we are not

It is important to note that:

  • While we strongly endeavour to keep all of our information accurate, readers are requested to confirm information with their respective legal advisors before taking any action. We shall not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions in our content. 
  • We are not solicitors or barristers, and the content held on our website, and within our services, should not be taken or considered as legal advice, nor should anyone believe or think that we are trained, authorised, or licensed to work or practice as a solicitor or barrister. We are consultants, facilitators, and investigators, dealing solely with sexual misconduct and sexual offences matters. 

Hours and Place of Business 

  • The hours of business for Limited are between Monday and Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. 
  • Phone calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes. 
  • We will see clients strictly by appointment. We will meet clients at their business premises or other agreed locations if this is more convenient. We can also hold meetings via a video link call if desired. 

Health and Safety 

  • Those instructing usshall notify of any health and safety hazards that may arise in connection with the performance of the contract.
  • Where the service is being carried out at premises owned or occupied by the client, they will notify us of any health and safety hazards which may exist or arise at its premises, and which may affect our team members. The client shall bring these hazards to the attention of any of its employees, subcontractors or agents who may be affected by these hazards, and instruct such persons in connection with any necessary safety measures. 
  • Safety and wellbeing is a core value of our team. Every possible step is taken by us to protect our team from fear of violence, serious alarm or distress. Due to the nature of our business, we take threats very seriously. We do not publish our address online before we establish that an enquiry is authentic and true. We will take every step to assist in prosecuting offenders. 

Terms For Accessing and Using Our Website

Access to our website is free of charge.

  • It is your responsibility to make any and all arrangements necessary in order to access our website.
  • Access to our website is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis. We may alter, suspend or discontinue our website, or any part of it, at any time and without notice. We will not be liable to you in any way if our website or any part of it is unavailable at any time and for any period.
  • You may:
    • access, view and use our website in a web browser, including any web browsing capability built into other types of software or apps.
    • download our website, or any part of it, for caching.
    • print pages from our website.
    • save pages from our website for later and/or view offline.
  • Our status as the owner and author of the content on our website, or that of identified licensors, must always be acknowledged.
  • You may not use any content saved or downloaded from our website for commercial purposes without first obtaining a licence from us or our licensors. This does not prohibit the normal access, viewing and use of our website for general information purposes whether by business users or consumers.
  • Nothing in these Terms and Conditions limits or excludes the provisions of Chapter III of the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988 ‘Acts Permitted in Relation to Copyright Works’, covering in particular: the making of temporary copies; research and private study; the making of copies for text and data analysis for non-commercial research; criticism, review, quotation and news reporting; caricature, parody or pastiche; and the incidental inclusion of copyright material.

Service Fees and Payment

  • We provide the services described on our website on the basis of these Terms and Conditions. Unless we agree with you in writing, we provide the services for the fees shown on the contract which you agree to pay without deduction or set off.
  • We carry out our services with all reasonable skill and care. It is your responsibility to provide us with all information and relevant material as well as to provide us with access to, and cooperation from, staff, employees, and any contractors in order to properly perform duties under the contract.
  • We undertake only private paying work once instructed.
  • We will submit a purchase order outlining what your instructions are.
  • All fees shown are before VAT is added which will be calculated at the time that the service is provided.
  • We accept the following methods of payment:
    • online (via our payment portal)
    • bank transfer
    • cheques (under £500.00) 
    • credit and debit cards (we are unable to accept American Express)
  • If any sum that you owe us is outstanding, we reserve the right to suspend the provision of our services and, after 45 days, to charge interest and compensation pursuant to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 and Regulations, together with any costs and charges of recovery.

Termination of Contract and Website Use

  • We may terminate the provision of our services to the client with reasonable notice at any time.
  • Any rights or obligations of a continuing nature shall survive the termination of any agreement between the client and us.
  • We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our website if you materially breach the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. Specifically, we may take one or more of the following actions:
    • suspend, whether temporarily or permanently, your right to access our website;
    • issue you with a written warning;
    • take legal proceedings against you for reimbursement of any and all relevant costs on an indemnity basis resulting from your breach;
    • take further legal action against you as appropriate;
    • disclose such information to law enforcement authorities as required, or as we deem reasonably necessary;
  • any other actions which we deem reasonably appropriate and lawful.
  • We hereby exclude any and all liability arising out of any actions, including, but not limited to, those set out above, that we may take in response to breaches of these Terms and Conditions.

Liabilities, Warranties and Indemnities

  • We expressly exclude liability for consequential loss or damage, loss of profit, business, revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings, or any liability for innocent or negligent misrepresentation arising out of the provision of our services and/or our website.
  • We exclude all representations, warranties, and guarantees, whether expressed or implied, that may apply to our website or any content included on our website.
  • We do not exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury, nor do these terms exclude or restrict our liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or for any other forms of liability which cannot be excluded or restricted by law. Full details of consumers’ legal rights, including those relating to digital content, can be provided by a local Citizens Advice Bureau or Trading Standards office.
  • In contracting our services, you warrant to us that you shall not by yourself, or any agent contractor or employee, be in breach of any contract or other obligation and will be, and remain in, compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.


  • Other than the provision of our services that you have chosen to purchase, nothing on our website constitutes advice on which you should rely.
  • In so far as is permitted by law, we make no representation, warranty, or guarantee that our website will meet your requirements, that it will not infringe the rights of third parties, that it will be compatible with all software and hardware, or that it will be secure.
  • We make reasonable efforts, but with no express or implied representations, warranties or guarantees, to ensure that the content on our website is complete, accurate, and up-to-date.
  • We make reasonable efforts to ensure that any and all pricing information shown on our website is correct at the time of going online. We reserve the right to change prices at any time and may add or remove special offers and promotions from time to time. All pricing information is reviewed and updated regularly.
  • We neither assume nor accept responsibility or liability arising out of any disruption or non-availability of our website resulting from external causes including, but not limited to, ISP equipment failure, host equipment failure, communications network failure, natural events, acts of war, or legal restrictions and censorship.

Viruses, Malware and Security

  • We exercise all reasonable skill and care to ensure that our website is free from viruses and other malware. We accept no liability for any loss or damage resulting from a virus or other malware, a distributed denial of service attack, or other harmful material or event that may adversely affect your hardware, software, data or other material that occurs as a result of your use of our website, which includes the downloading of any content from it, or any other third party site referred to on our website.
  • You are responsible for protecting your hardware, software, data and other material from viruses, malware, and other internet security risks.
  • You must not deliberately introduce viruses or other malware, or any other material which is malicious or technologically harmful either to or via our website.
  • You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to any part of our website, the server on which our website is stored, or any other server, computer, or database connected to our website.
  • You must not attack our website by means of a denial of service attack, a distributed denial of service attack, or by any other means.
  • By breaching these terms, you may be committing a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. Any and all such breaches will be reported to the relevant law enforcement authorities, and we will cooperate fully with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. Your right to use our website will cease immediately in the event of such a breach.

Force Majeure

If we are obstructed in performing any of our services by an event outside of our reasonable control, then performance to the extent obstructed is suspended for so long as the obstruction continues. Whilst performance is suspended, and has been so for more than 30 days, we may terminate the provision of our services by immediate written notice.


Any obligation of confidentiality in our legal relationship with you applies mutually: both parties agree that any confidential information disclosed by either party shall be secret. Neither party may use, or take advantage of, any such confidential information without the discloser’s consent even after the provision of services has ended. However, this obligation does not apply to: 

  1. information known to the receiver before disclosure by the other party. 
  2. information which becomes public knowledge without fault on the part of the receiver. 
  3. disclosures made to the extent required by a proper authority, or any applicable legal or regulatory requirement.

Our Information Commission’s Office registration number is:  C1326436

Conflicts of Interest

  • The Client shall disclose to us any actual or potential conflict of interest arising from the contract as soon as is reasonably practicable after becoming aware of the conflict. 
  • If the parties are unable to resolve the conflict of interest to the reasonable satisfaction of, then shall be entitled to terminate the contract with immediate effect. 

Indemnity and Insurance

  • Without prejudice to any rights or remedies of Limited, the client shall indemnify us against all actions, demands, losses, expenses and costs, including legal costs on a solicitor and client basis, which Limited may suffer or incur as a result of, or in connection with, any damage to property or any injury-whether fatal or otherwise-to any person which may result directly or indirectly from any negligence or breach of this contract by the client.
  • If the client is an individual, they will warrant and represent that they are regarded, by both the Inland Revenue and the Department of Works and Pensions, as self-employed and shall accordingly indemnify Limited against any tax, national insurance contributions, or similar liability which may arise in relation to the contract.
  • Limited warrants that it has in place a reputable insurance company and policy of insurance relating to all matters that are the subject of indemnities and undertakings on the part of Limited contained in the contract. In particular, unless the client agrees that such insurance is unnecessary, the client warrants that the work done in relation to the contract is covered by their own policy of professional indemnity insurance. At the request of either of the parties, the relevant policy of insurance will be provided with evidence of payment of its latest premium. 

Change Control

  • The contract may not be varied or amended unless the variation or amendment is in writing and agreed upon by both us and the client.
  • If applicable, the price of any variation or amendment shall be the fair and reasonable price, considering the market price available for similar work or services.
  • If any variation or amendment is agreed upon concerning anything included in the purchase order, Limited reserves the right to issue a replacement purchase order. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to any replacement purchase order in the same way as they applied to the original purchase order. 

Assignment of Subcontracting

  • Limited shall not assign or subcontract any part of the contract without the written consent of the client.
  • No subcontracting of the contract shall in any way relieve us or the client of obligations stated under the contract.
  • Where Limited engages in a subcontract, for the purpose of performing the contract, it shall ensure that the subcontract has a term requiring us to pay the subcontractor within 30 days of receipt of a valid invoice. 

Rights of Third Parties

  • The contract shall not create any rights which are enforceable by anyone other than the parties. 

Intellectual Property

  • The intellectual property rights, including the copyright, in any reports, documentation or materials, are hereby assigned to and shall vest in, This condition shall survive the termination of the contract.
  • Except where the contract uses documentation and materials supplied by the client, warrants that none of the documentation and materials used or created as part of the contract shall infringe any patent, trademark, registered design, copyright, or other rights in the industrial property of any third party. 
  • You may not reproduce, copy, distribute, sell, rent, sub-licence, store, or in any other manner re-use content from our website unless given express written permission to do so by us.
  • The client shall indemnify against all actions, demands, charges, expenses, and costs including legal costs of a solicitor and its own basis-that may incur because of, or in connection with, any breach of clause. 

Acceptable Use of Website

You may only use our website in a manner that is lawful. Specifically, you must:

  • ensure that you comply fully with any and all local, national or international laws and/or regulations.
  • not use our website in any way, or for any purpose, that is unlawful or fraudulent.
  • not use our website to knowingly send, upload, or in any other way transmit data that contains any form of virus or other malware, or any other code designed to adversely affect computer hardware, software, or data of any kind.
  • not use our website in any way, or for any purpose, that is intended to harm any person or persons in any way.

Additional Terms and Conditions

  • Additional Terms and Conditions apply to each matter we are instructed and copy of those Terms of Business will be delivered to the client before the commencement of instructions.

Criminal Behaviour

  • We take our commitment to be a law-abiding company above and beyond our legal obligations and to show our professionalism to ensure that our business complies with statutory requirements and our own policy procedures, to assess that quality standards are being met, and to prevent or detect crime, we have a duty of care to report a crime. You are advised that it is a serious criminal offence to give false or misleading information, and interfering with the process of justice is also a criminal offence.

Notices of Change

  • We may make changes to these Terms and Conditions as well as to our website and privacy policy as we deem necessary or as may be required by law.
  • Any changes will be posted on our website, and you will be deemed to have accepted the updated Terms and Conditions, including our website and privacy policy on your first use of our website following the alterations. We recommend that you regularly check for up-to-date changes. 
  • In the event of any conflict between the current version of the Terms and Conditions, the website or privacy policy and any previous version(s), the provisions current and in effect shall prevail unless it is expressly stated otherwise.


  • Any notice, or other communication given under or pursuant to the contract, must be given in writing and must be delivered in person or sent by post. Communications must be sent to the address for communications which is given in the purchase order. 
  • The address for communications may be altered at any time by the altering party, giving the other party 15 days’ notice of a changed address.  
  • Communications to Limited must be sent to the address given for the contact in the purchase order and not to the address for invoices. 
  • A notice or communication shall be deemed to have been received 2 working days after posting in the case of first-class delivery, and 4 working days after posting in the case of second-class delivery unless the receiving party can prove otherwise. 

Disputes and Mediation

  • Before resorting to litigation, the parties shall attempt in good faith to negotiate a settlement to any dispute between them, arising out of, or in connection with, the contract. 
  • If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute, either party may, at any time, refer the dispute to mediation by a neutral advisor or mediator. 
  • If the parties are unable to agree on a mediator within 7 days of the request by one party to refer the dispute to mediation, an application can be made to the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (“CEDR”) to appoint a mediator. 
  • The parties shall seek to agree on how the mediation is conducted and, failing agreement, they shall seek directions from the mediator. 
  • If the parties reach agreement on the resolution of their dispute, the agreement shall be reduced to writing and shall be binding. 

Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales and the courts of England shall have sole jurisdiction in relation to all matters arising.

Legal Notice

While we strongly endeavour to keep all of our information accurate, you are requested to confirm information with your respective legal advisors before taking any action. We shall not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions in our content.

Spotted an error? For us to maintain accurate and up-to-date information, please inform us if you have noticed an error, and we will rectify it

Protect your business and employees from sexual harassment within the workplace.

71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ
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