There are differences when considering sexual harassment vs sexual assault and the charges that may follow in England and Wales. Sexual misconduct is an umbrella term used to refer to many different problematic...
Students should be able to participate in all activities connected with schools, colleges, and universities whether for learning, residential, leisure or social purposes, without fear of being subjected...
Sexual harassment at work is a serious matter and can lead to criminal charges and prison if convicted. believes “prevention is better than cure’. Allegations of sexual...
What is sexual misconduct? It is any conduct that is sexual, unwanted and causes distress, or that otherwise constitutes harassment, bullying or victimisation. Under s.26 (2) of the Equality Act 2010,...
1. The Equality Act 2010, section 26 (2) and (3) defines sexual harassment, which is one form of sexual misconduct. It includes conduct by A of a sexual nature which has the effect of violating B’s...
Our Stop Sexual Misconduct Within the Workplace Active Bystander Intervention face-to-face awareness training provides the techniques to challenge inappropriate behaviours constructively, safely and will...