Our Manifesto: A Vision for a Sexual Harassment-Free Workplace

At stopsexualmisconduct.co.uk, we are dedicated to leading the charge in eradicating sexual harassment from the workplace, ensuring that every business adheres to the new Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023.

EHRC – Technical Guidance: 3.19. The preventative duty is an anticipatory duty. Employers should not wait until an incident of sexual harassment has taken place before they take any action’.

The aim of the Act of the to better protect employees from sexual harassment by prioritising prevention. Employers in England, Scotland and Wales, no matter the size of the workforce will now have a legal duty to work preventatively — and not retrospectively — to address sexual harassment in the workplace.

Sexual harassment remains a pervasive issue within our workplaces, persisting despite changes in government and evolving employment laws. For too long, this serious problem has slipped through the cracks, allowing harmful behaviours to persist and victims to suffer in silence. It’s clear that previous efforts have fallen short, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive, enforceable measures to protect employees and create a truly safe and respectful work environment.

1. Training ALL Employees on Sexual Harassment Prevention

At stopsexualmisconduct.co.uk , we offer a range of CPD accredited courses designed to educate and empower your team to effectively prevent and respond to sexual harassment in the workplace. Compiled by industry experts, our comprehensive preventative training programs are tailored to meet the needs of any organisation, regardless of size or industry.

Our Courses:

  • Foundational “Basic” Training for All Employees.
  • Recognising that Managers, Leaders, and HR professionals need more in-depth knowledge, we offer advanced courses tailored to their roles namely: Enhanced Course and Conducting Workplace Investigations Course.
  • Active Bystander Intervention (ABI)
  • Bespoke and one-to-one training courses
  • Refresher Courses


  • Equip all employees with the knowledge and skills to recognise, prevent, and address sexual harassment in the workplace.


  • Comprehensive Preventative Sexual Harassment Training Programs: Encourage all organisations to implement comprehensive and regular training courses covering the key aspects of the Worker Protection Act 2023, focusing on sexual harassment prevention, understanding and recognising sexual harassment, reporting procedures, and support systems.
  • Interactive Workshops: Organise hands-on keynote speeches and seminars to engage employees in real-life scenarios and role-playing exercises.
  • eLearning Platforms: Promote all organisations to invest in our eLearning platform that provides accessible and flexible preventative sexual harassment training options for employees across diverse levels, regions, backgrounds and cultures.

Our training programs not only exceeds the requirements set forth by the Worker Protection Act 2023 but also goes above and beyond the statutory duties expected of employers.

2. Ensuring Compliance for 5.6 million Companies


  • Help and inform the 5.6 million companies in England, Scotland, and Wales comply with the new Worker Protection Act 2023 by October 27, 2024.


  • Guidance and Support: Provide detailed guides and support services to help companies understand and implement the necessary changes required by the new Worker Protection Act 2023.
  • Certification Programs: Our CPD certificates awarded upon completion of our Stop Sexual Harassment training courses acknowledges businesses that not only meet but exceed compliance standards in preventing workplace sexual harassment, providing them with a significant edge in fostering a safe and respectful workplace environment.

3. Revolutionising Workplace Policies on Sexual Harassment

At stopsexualmisconduct.co.uk, we are committed to revolutionising workplace policies across England, Scotland and Wales to address the critical issue of sexual harassment with the gravity and attention it deserves. While current practices often lump sexual harassment policies together with general bullying and harassment policies, the Worker Protection Act 2023 highlights that sexual harassment prevention demands a standalone, comprehensive approach. This manifesto outlines our unwavering commitment to supporting companies in developing robust and detailed policies solely dedicated to combating sexual harassment.


Comprehensive Policy Development:


  • Assist companies in developing standalone preventative sexual harassment policies that exceed regulatory standards and ensure a safe workplace for all employees.


  • Provide policies and guidelines spanning more than the average 2-3 pages, covering all aspects of sexual harassment prevention, reporting procedures, and support mechanisms.
  • Offer customisation services to tailor policies to the specific needs and culture of each organisation along with conducting training courses and webinars to educate HR professionals and managers on the importance of standalone preventative sexual harassment policies.

Promoting a Culture of Respect and Inclusivity


  • Foster a workplace culture that values respect, inclusivity, and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.


  • Awareness Campaigns: Launch awareness campaigns that highlight the importance of respect and zero tolerance for sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Inclusive Policies: Review and update company policies to ensure they promote inclusivity and prevent sexual harassment in all forms.
  • Employee Resource Groups: Support the formation of employee resource groups that advocate for diversity, inclusion, and a sexual harassment-free environment within the workplace.

4. Supporting Mental Health and Well-Being


  • Prioritise the mental health and well-being of employees affected by sexual harassment as part of our commitment to a safe and supportive workplace.


  • Enhanced Training Courses: Encourage the investment in our enhanced courses for companies’ leaders, mangers and hr that delve into the mental and physical effects of sexual harassment, raising awareness of its damaging impact. These courses empower participants to take proactive measures in addressing and preventing sexual harassment, fostering a supportive workplace culture that prioritises employee well-being and safety.
  • Well-Being Initiatives: Implement initiatives aimed at fostering a respectful environment in all organisations in England, Scotland and Wales, where reporting incidents is encouraged without fear of retaliation, and speaking up is viewed positively. This can include introducing wellness days, mindfulness sessions, and fitness programs to support overall employee health and well-being.
  • We will advocate for a culture where companies prioritise their employees’ well-being over profit, promoting policies and practices that prioritise people’s welfare and contribute to a healthier work-life balance.


  • We will publish the names of non-compliant employers after an Employment Tribunal or Court of law has issued a published judgment against the offender.
  • We will champion the establishment of a register of non-compliant companies. This register serves not only to hold companies accountable for their actions but also to assure victims that their voices are heard, and their concerns are taken seriously. It will provide transparency and visibility, ensuring that organisations uphold their responsibilities in creating safe and respectful workplaces.
  • Assist the EHRC in cases of employer non-compliance with the Act.

As we look to the future, stopsexualmisconduct.co.uk is committed to driving change and fostering a safe, sexual harassment-free, and inclusive workplace for all. Our manifesto outlines our dedication to training ALL organisations, ensuring compliance for 5.6 million companies, and implementing initiatives and policies that promote respect, inclusivity, and well-being.

Together, we can create a workplace environment that not only meets legislative requirements but also supports and empowers every employee. Join us in our mission to make this vision a reality.

Yours faithfully

Manifesto Brochure PDF

New legal liabilities for employers to prevent sexual harassment within the workplace.

Protect your business and employees from sexual harassment within the workplace.

71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ
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